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Keeping Families Together

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Communities united

Immigrant Rights

CU leaders have partnered across communities to advance a shared vision to create space for collective healing and action to ensure that all families feel safe in their communities. Through this alliance building approach, CU leaders have advanced policies that promote the rights of immigrant families through a racial equity lens. These efforts have resulted in reinforcing sanctuary city ordinances at city, county, and state levels and the expansion of city IDs to provide communities, including undocumented families, individuals who are facing homelessness, and returning citizens, access to critical city resources.


CU leaders are constantly engaging immigrant families in immigrant “Know Your Rights” trainings and developing strategies to develop response teams across neighborhood institutions, and building new Black and Brown alliances to advance racial equity across the city and state. Through this framework, we have worked with allies to make Illinois the most welcoming state to immigrant families.


  • Through coalition efforts, successfully advance sweeping state legislation to end immigration detention centers in Illinois.

  • Worked with allies to secure over $90 million for COVID-19 relief fund for undocumented and mix status families.

  • Over 3,000 immigrant families have been engaged in CU’s Know Your Rights trainings across immigrant communities in Chicago’s north and northwest side. 

  • Through statewide efforts, Illinois is among 12 states that provide driver's licenses to undocumented individuals as a result of community organizing efforts. 

Download Immigration Resources Here:

If ICE shows up at your Door, Know Your Rights

  • Si inmigracion llega a tu Puerta, Conoce tus Derechos



For more information or to get involved, please contact Luis Sinchi at or at (773) 746-0763

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